Beste klant,
Jaarlijks verlof van 09/07 tot 31/07
Houtidee Verhofstede Team.
Welcome at ‘Eeuwenhout’ (Agewood)
The first time I ordered a load of old wood to be shipped from the States to our business, and when seeing the first delivery of greyish old planks that were neatly delivered at our place, my children looked at me in disbelief: “Over 30 years’ experience in the wood trade, and now you buy this …?”
It signified the start of Eeuwenhout: The ultimate token of respect for wood and for nature. Old beams and planks already proved their reliability and durability, sometimes even for many centuries. We select the best qualities and breathe new life into old wood. A new assignment. A new chapter…
Discover the power and the sheer beauty of age old wood with its unique and individual story…
Antoine Verhofstede
Our story
During a trip through the US, Antoine Verhofstede’s passion for wood leads him towards old and deserted barns and buildings. They stand ‘in the middle of nowhere’, as silent witnesses of past activity. They were once built from trees from the direct vicinity: various woods, mostly over a century old. Today they still defy weather and time, but they are deprived of their functionality. In places, these barns are dismantled, and the wood is reused by local farmers. This is where Antoine Verhofstede got his idea to give a new destination to the best batches of wood in exclusive European interiors. A perfect mix of quality, durability, ecology and aesthetics.
The passion and professional experience for years on end of Antoine Verhofstede concerning wood is boundless. While wood becomes scarcer (and the quality diminishes) he sets on a worldwide quest for old sheds, houses and industrial buildings in which wooden beams, planks and poles have proved their soundness for over a century, mainly in American barns. The unique dimensions and stability, together with their aged marking, ensure aesthetic pearls … A true revelation for (interior) architects.